Sub base supplier in Dubai & All Emirates

- Sub base shall consist of crushed mineral aggregate of gradation thickness specified as per project specificationgenerally CBR should be 65 to 80 at 100% MDD.
- Plasticity index in the range of 4 to 6
- Sand equivalent shall be not less than 35.
- CBR should be 40% minimum.
- Compaction 95% minimum.
- Aggregate size 63 mm down.
- Placing of sub base layer not exceed 200 mm
- Tolerance of sub base +10mm and -20mm.
Cumulative percent passing (%)
Test standard
- Testing of sub base shall be carried out in accordance with BS 812 and BS 1377
- The acid soluble chloride in the sub base shall not exceed than 3.5% and 0.8% weight respectively.
- The acid soluble sulphate in the sub base shall not exceed than 2.0% and 0.5% by weight repectively
Sub base
Granular sub-base shall consist of furnishing, spreading, and compacting sub-base in accordance with the details shown on drawings and these specifications.

Granular sub-base material shall consist of hard, durable natural/screened gravel or crushed stone and shall be free from clay balls or other deleterious substances. Granular sub-base shall be well graded and lie within the grading envelope stated below when tested in accordance with BS1377 Part 2 Test 9.2. The material should have a minimum C.B.R. of 30% at 95% of Maximum Dry Density and should comply with Clause 3/6.4. Organic impurities (BS 1377 Part 3 Method 3) shall not exceed 0.2%.
Sub-base material shall
be delivered to the site as uniform mixture and shall be spread in layers or
windows. Segregation shall be avoided and sub-base shall be free from pockets
of coarse of fine materials.Each sub-base layer shall be spread by finisher and or grader or other approved mechanical methods,
watered, shaped to a compacted thickness not exceeding 150mm and compacted to
the required grade and cross-section.The compaction procedure and plant shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer. At the time of compaction, the moisture content of the laid material shall vary by more than + 2% from the optimum moisture content. The granular sub-base shall be compacted to not less than 95% of the Maximum Dry Density determined in accordance with BS 1377 Part 4 Method 3.6. Particle size analysis of soils for Sieve Analysis of fine and coarse aggregate shall be carried out in accordance with BS 1377 Part 2Test 9.2. The surface on completion of compaction shall be well closed, free from movement under compaction plant and free from ridges cracks or loose material. The finished surfaces of the road sub-base shall not vary at any point more than 10m above or below the grade established by the Engineer. The sub-base shall be maintained in a condition satisfactory to receive any subsequent base or surfacing material. Sub-base which does not conform to the specified requirements