Road base supplier in Dubai & all emirates

Road base
- Aggregate road base shall be consisting of uniform mixture of gravel with sand , silt and clay conforming the specified gradation limits.
- Road base mix at site and lay by grader.
- Aggregate size should be 50 mm down.
- CBR 80% min @98% Compaction min.
- Tolerance of Road base +10mm and -10mm.
Cumulative percent passing (%)
Test standard of road base
- Testing of Road base shall be carried out in accordance with BS 812 and BS 1377.
- Laboratory MDD test shall be carried in accordance with BS 1377
- Liquid limit shall be determined in accordance with part 2 of BS 1377
- Field density shall be determined in accordance with part 9 if BS 1377.
- The acid soluble chloride in the road base shall not exceed than 3.5 % and .8% by weight respectively.
- The acid soluble sulphate in the road base shall not exceed than 2.0% and .5% by weight respectively.
Physical properties test not exceed the following test values
- Luquid limit :25%
- Water absorption :2%
- Linear shrinkage : 3%
- Aggregate crushing value :25%
- Plasticity index : 6%
- Flakiness index :35%
- Stone size 50 mm
- Elongation index 35%
- Sand equivalent not less than : 45
- Soundness :12%
Aggregate Road Base description
- All aggregate road base material shall be free from dirt, shale or other deleterious matter and shall be of such quality that it will bind readily to form a stable aggregate road base.
- Sampling method to be accordance with ASTM D75
- The graduation may tested in accordance with BS 1377 part 2
Spreading Aggregate Road base
- Aggregate road base shall be spread on subgrade or sub base which has been approved by the engineer.
- Aggregate road base shall be spread on the approved subgrade layer not exceeding fifteen centimeters in compacted depth. The material shall be handled in a manner which avoids segregation. Segregated materials shall be remixed until uniform. Suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent rutting of the subgrade or sub-base during the spreading of aggregate road base material. No hauling or placement of material shall be permitted when, in the
judgment of the Engineer, the weather or road conditions are such that the
hauling operations will cause cutting or rutting of the subgrade or cause
contamination of aggregate road base material.
Road base compaction
The moisture content of the aggregate road base material shall be adjusted prior to compaction, by watering with approved sprinkler trucks or by drying out, as directed by the Engineer to that required to obtain the specified density for aggregate road base. Aggregate road base shall be compacted to Ninety Eight (98) percentage of the Maximum Dry Density, as determined according to BS 1377 Part 4 Test 3.6 at a moisture content between + 2% of the O.M.C. The field density and actual moisture content shall be determined according to BS 1377 Part 9 Test 2.2.
The surface of the material shall on completion of compaction be well closed, free from movement under the Compaction plant and free from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose material.
Any areas inaccessible to normal compaction equipment shall be compacted by means of mechanical tampers Until satisfactory compaction is obtained.
The contractor shall program his operations to avoid the drying out of the sub-base during construction. If any layer of aggregate road base material, or part thereof, is permitted to dry out after compaction, or does not conform to the required density or finish, the contractor shall, at his own expense, rework, and water and compact the material, as directed by the Engineer, to the density specified before the next layer of aggregate road base or subsequent pavement layers is placed
The aggregate road base shall be compacted by means of approval compaction equipment progressing gradually from the outside of the road towards the center with each succeeding pass uniformly overlapping the previous pass. Rolling shall continue until the entire thickness of each layer is thoroughly and uniformly compacted to the specified density. Rolling shall be accompanied by sufficient blading in a manner approved the Engineer, to ensure a smooth surface free from ruts or ridges and having the proper section and crown.
Finishing of Aggregate Road base

- Immediately prior to the placing of the first layer of the next pavement course on the aggregate road base the final layer of aggregate road base shall be at the specified density and to the required grade and section. In order to maintain these requirements while placing the next course it may be necessary to water and reshape the surface of the aggregate road base. This work shall be at the contractor’s expense.
- The surface of the finished aggregate road base will be tested with a three (3) straight edge by the Engineer at selected locations. The variations of the surface from the testing edge of the straight edge between any two contacts with surface.
- shall at no point exceed twelve (12) millimeters when placed on or parallel to the centerline, or twelve (12) millimeters when placed perpendicular to the centerline of the roadway. The aggregate cross section as shown on
the drawings and shall not vary by more than ten (10) millimeters from the required elevation. All humps and depressions and thickness deficiencies exceeding the specified tolerance shall be corrected by removing the defective work or by adding new material as
directed by the Engine
- Three in-situ density test shall be made every 300m² of aggregate road base laid.