Black sand supplier in Dubai & all Emirates

Black sand

Black sand which is in black color there are number of different dark sands grains that can form black sand. Black sand is largely used for cement block manufacturing, mixing with OPC black cement as a dry mortar mix and various applications in construction industry. 

Black sand in dubai

Black washed sand

  • 0 to 5 mm black sand
  • 0 to 3 mm black sand
  • Single/Double washed sand


Cumulative percent Passing (%)

Test sieve size 5.0 mm
Test sieve size 2.36 mm
Test sieve size 1.18 mm
Test sieve size 0.600 mm
Test sieve size 0.300 mm
Test sieve size 0.150 mm
Test sieve size 0.075 mm

Black sand Sand for masonry Mortar

  • Mortar is a workable paste used to bind building blocks such as stones, bricks, and concrete masonry units together, fill and seal the irregular gaps between them, and sometimes add decorative colors or patterns in masonry walls. Mortars are typically made from a mixture of sand, a binder, and water. Usually importance of sand is overlooked but sand actually deserves considerable attention, for it affects the compressive strength, bond strength, workability, board life, drying shrinkage, and appearance of mortar.

The specification for Sand for Masonry Mortar shall conform to IS 2116: 1980

1.Quality of black Sand:

The sand shall consist of natural sand, crushed stone sand or crushed gravel sand or a combination of any of these. The sand shall be hard, durable, clean and free from adherent coatings and organic matter and shall not contain the amount of clay, silt and fine dust more than a specified amount mentioned below.

Deleterious Material: The sand shall not contain any harmful impurities such as iron pyrites, alkalis, salts, coal or other organic impurities, mica, shale or similar laminated materials, soft fragments, sea shells in such form or in such quantities as to affect adversely the hardening, strength or durability of the

Limits of Deleterious Material: Unless found satisfactory as a result of further tests as may be specified by the engineer-in-charge, or unless evidence of such
performance is offered which is satisfactory to him, the maximum quantities of clay, fine silt, fine dust and organic impurities in the sand shall not exceed the following limits:

a. Clay, fine silt and fine dust when determined in accordance with IS: 2386(Part II)-1963: In natural sand or
crushed gravel sand – Not more than 5 percent by mass 
In crushed stone sand – Not more than 5 percent by mass

b. Organic impurities when determined in accordance with IS: 2386 (Part II)-1963: Colour of the liquid shall be lighter
than that indicated by the standard solution specified in IS: 2386(Part II)-1963.



Black sand

Sampling and testing of black sand

Sampling – The method of sampling shall be in accordance with IS: 2430-1969. The amount of material required for each test shall be as specified in relevant parts of IS: 2386-1963. Testing – Any test which the purchaser or his representative may require in connection with thisstandard shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant parts of IS: 2386-1963. Unless otherwise stated in the enquiry or order, duplicate tests shall be made to all cases and the results of both tests reported. If further confirmation as to the satisfactory nature of the material is required, compressive test on cement mortar cubes (1:6) may be made in accordance with IS: 2250-1981 using the supplied material in place of standard sand and the strength value so obtained shall be compared with that of another mortar made with a sand of acceptable and comparable quality.
